Tutor Time of Mooresville to excavate some coal ash after tests show elevated levels of arsenic, other metals WCNC.com
Trump admin won't impose rule to protect against coal ash spill costs – Missoulian
Trump admin won’t impose rule to protect against coal ash spill costs Missoulian
Coal ash being removed from the banks of the Flint River – The Albany Herald
Coal ash being removed from the banks of the Flint River The Albany Herald
Georgia Power ponders ideas for coal ash re-use – The Albany Herald
Georgia Power ponders ideas for coal ash re-use The Albany Herald
Coal ash impact continues to spread – The Daily Dispatch
Coal ash impact continues to spread The Daily Dispatch
DENR seeks delays on coal ash deal with Duke – The Daily Dispatch
DENR seeks delays on coal ash deal with Duke The Daily Dispatch
Buried | Lincoln County Schools to test soil for coal ash – WCNC.com
Buried | Lincoln County Schools to test soil for coal ash WCNC.com
Jacobs Role in a Huge Coal Ash Cleanup and the Workers' Quest For Justice – Engineering News-Record
Jacobs Role in a Huge Coal Ash Cleanup and the Workers’ Quest For Justice Engineering News-Record
Jacobs Role in a Huge Coal Ash Cleanup and the Workers' Quest For Justice – Engineering News-Record
Jacobs Role in a Huge Coal Ash Cleanup and the Workers’ Quest For Justice Engineering News-Record
School district to test soil at Rock Springs Elementary – WCNC.com
School district to test soil at Rock Springs Elementary WCNC.com